Wednesday, February 18, 2009

the jane stimulus package

craziest few weeks ever...I'm so tired, I may not survive watching the next 50 script pages print out. and then, what if I fall asleep on the printer, and my head gets stuck in the space between the ink cartridge and the paper feed, and my face is permanently deformed?!

thus: time to map out the jane stimulus package...

after the paycut at work, I've instituted the following, which have cut down on costs immensely:

1. skipping meals entirely, or replacing them with a can of $1 soup
2. saving so much money from #1 that I splurge on coffee and really snotty high-brow modern art for my ceiling
3. being so hopped up on coffee and snotty art that I start crazy creative projects
4. being so busy working on creative projects that I forget to do things that cost money; i.e. eat, do laundry, drive my car, earn a living
5. buying $9 (or less) bottles of red wine for creative project all-nighters
6. oh wait! I was already being cheap to begin with! celebrating my genius wine-buying strategies by having a glass of wine
7. emailing my friends periodically to remain sane after particularly gruesome proofreading days at work (my motto is this... as long as email = free... life = good)
8. spending a lot of time just hanging out at home with friends = the greatest wealth ever
9. making the awesome decision to be the offspring of Mr. Simmons, so I never have to buy a $20 hardback when his newest books arrive... I get one right off the truck. Again, free! I'm a genius!
10. taking it upon myself to lower the cost of gas nation-wide from $3.95 to $1.64. You're welcome, America
11. new volunteer job! volunteering is free! actually, since I'll be paying for gas and any activity/ food / outing we do, I guess that's more 'deficit' territory, but that's kind of still 'free'!
12. writing ridiculous, meaningless lists when I'm too tired to function

ah, time to do open heart surgery on the printer...

<3 (that one's for Meredith, if I remember to wake up enough to send this to her, which is unlikely at this point)

Friday, February 06, 2009

it's a Drood-- 784 pages and 2.6 lbs

Starting dad's new book tomorrow... it's always exciting to see the new ones all shiny and new on amazon...

who are these readers who already have 5-star reviews posted on amazon?! I share genetic material with the man, and I haven't even gotten past the dust jacket. It JUST came off the presses! Sheesh.

it's friday night... the neighborhood's totally quiet, just a few lights on in the neighboring buildings.

up way too late every night last week... I'd lie awake until 2:30 or so, waking up at a different time every morning, but weirdly enough, every single time I arrived at work and tossed my keys onto my desk, the clock read exactly 9:23.
groundhog day.
it was almost eerie.
I'm ok with the sleep thing... this time it's just because the sharp, twisting pains have returned this week, and honestly, I just don't care. I feel weirdly chipper about it. I will get rid of whatever's causing this if I have to pull a Forrest Gump and run across America to prove a point to somebody. In the meantime, I'm building up a relatively fierce tolerance to the feeling of having a tiny green army man stab me repeatedly in the side with a bayonet.

I was the last to leave work the last few nights. I left around 5:30 or so tonight, lowering the blinds downstairs and tugging the door shut behind me. I've never been the last one out of the building where it doesn't seem like a melancholy scene from a movie. Played phone tag with three friends, went home, flopped on the bed and talked to another friend for a long time... realized that everyone was scattered far and wide tonight and admitted social defeat. Exhausted, anyway, and not in the mood to go see 'Man on a Wire' by myself in Denver even though I've been talking myself into it since 9:23, when my keys hit the desk, and my Outlook informed me that I had almost 9 hours of "cervical ripening agencies" script proofreading to do today. (jesus h. christ... those 9am scotches don't look so bad in Mad Men any more. I was pale and nauseous before noon... I'm still too sensitive for some of this stuff)

Pulled on my low-tops and headed out to the only restaurant in town because I had a hankering for green chili and my apartment was too quiet (and all my burners have gone out...again...)
my plan was to just get takeout and cozy up with a movie at home, but the restaurant was packed to the gills. So weird-- I guess I've never been in there on a Friday night, just sleepy taco tuesdays with the guys. Lots of 20 & 30 somethings at the bar, packed around tables... the music was up loud, trays of beers were whizzing by, laughter permeated the air. I was totally caught off guard, with a messy bun and pinched indentations on my nose from wearing glasses for the last 10 hrs, standing in a sea of happy weekenders in my blue Harriet the Spy coat, turning pink from feeling shy and sleepy and a little in the way.

They overcharged for my lowly green-chili burrito, and once I got it home, I discovered it was totally cold, like it had been in a refrigerator in the restaurant. It was pretty funny and pathetic. Broadcast News came on, one of my top 10 favorite movies of all time, but it hit a little too close to home and I started to feel a little suffocated in my quiet little apartment, eating a cold burrito, still wearing my harriet the spy coat until the heat kicked in. Decided to clean my apartment but sleepiness took over and I watched the end of 'The Lake House', mostly because the Keanu / Sandra pairing reminded me of Speed and 6th grade and Coryn, who I miss to pieces, and because it was set in Chicago and there was a deliciously cheesy art theme that used gratuitous cross dissolves between architecture shots that looked like the photos I took there in October.

I feel like I should be cleaning, or starting laundry, or googling ideas for the book that I want to make for my friends, or hanging up my harriet the spy coat, or starting a portfolio for copywriting to take down the street to Crispin + Porter. But the quiet, dark Friday part of me lured me over to check my email and now I have no inclinations but to get in bed and start "Drood" until I fall asleep (which, at this rate, will be in 8 minutes).

oh... shit.
shit. shit!!!!!
I've been tasked with 'finding a celebrity' who wants to to an "advocacy" project we're working on... a celebrity who wants to talk about the evils of hospitals and epidurals. Oh, and by the way, they need to work for free, and could they fly to Denver?
Despite my own feelings on the project, I've been thinking hard about who might 'be up for the challenge,' and I was excited to find Laila Ali during my research... Mohamed Ali's daughter, a boxer, healthfood spokeswoman, brand new mom & advocate of 'take charge' attitudes toward birth.
I thought I was a genius.
According to my television just now, so did some shea butter lotion, who hired her as their anti-stretch-mark model.

ahhh... I'm not going to wallow, but I'm giving myself just long enough to finish this post to feel a little bit lonely and out of sorts tonight.
It's going to be a good weekend, and I think this is partially from just needing to let go after a sleepy week, and the stress of taking a pay cut at work-- feeling the immediate ramifications of not having the deposit you were looking forward to on the 15th. I'm having a rare but intense feeling tonight of wishing that someone was here to curl up with... someone to laugh with me about how pathetic the burrito was as we dumped it down the disposal, before pulling on a sweatshirt and curling up on the couch together to watch a movie and just unwind.
It's funny to have a strong part of me that likes being alone, and an equally strong part of me that's affectionate and craves closeness. I'm a shy, pink-cheeked girl who still misses the comedy stage and the room full of people. Maybe my brain was wired for comically opposing needs.

Whatever the case. I'm grateful for my quirky little apartment and my job... my penchant for shitty tv when I'm worn out, and for being able to still afford a grossly overpriced cold burrito. It just would've been nice tonight to have someone here to watch part of Spinal Tap with before we got bored and decided to take a walk, since it's warm and clear out, and Orion is probably really bright. I'd take my unplayed guitar out and learn a new chord. The candles would seem cozy instead of a fire hazard, and the apartment would feel calm instead of quiet.

Good thing I have Drood.
No one can be lonely on a Friday night with a book the size of the Mojave Desert wearing a crater into their chest.

an email I wrote to my co-worker's son... she brought in an old tie of his last week since I'm going through my 2009 Tie Phase, so I thought I'd entertain her by writing to him (to make sure he no longer needed the tie that had been in her care for 8 years...)

Dear Trent:

Hello! This is Jane… I work at InJoy with your mom, who I adore. (Not just because she keeps the chocolate bowl stocked, but because she lets me call her DebbyBell—all one word—and doesn’t complain, even when I’m being obnoxious) Also, your mom is an endless source of entertainment and fantastically brilliant ideas.

But… I digress. I’m writing to ask you a question-slash-favor.
Recently, I decided to embrace the tie as a fashion staple for 2009. This was sort of 1/3rd the result of having too much time on my hands, 2/3rds having just recently watched Annie Hall for the 5th time.

The day after I announced my new fashion plans, miraculously, your mom came to work with a fabulous gray tie (with pink paisley creatures on it) that belonged to you (I’m assuming, or else this is going to be the most boring email of your life). But it’s only prudent that we ask where you stand on the ownership of this tie. Perhaps you miss it—perhaps it brings you comfort just knowing that it’s home in your closet. I don’t have a photo to include, but I do have a photo of the other tie that I acquired this week (a photo that was shamefully taken in the InJoy women’s restroom, emailed to my best friend, and marked on my timesheet as ‘general/other’).

[ ]

As you can see, my red tie is only going to carry me so far through life, but this should come as no burden to you. You’re more than welcome to reclaim ownership of your gray & pink paisley tie, whose tip has been dipped ever so lightly into some faint pink substance that we can only determine as paint. If you would like to renounce ownership, I can only assure you that I would lovingly adopt it, and I have a reasonably stable financial situation which will allow me to care for this tie in the manner in which he has become accustomed.

I think at this point, we’re all exhausted and confused, so I’ll end this email here.
Happy weekend, and thanks for sharing your awesome mom with us!

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

commitment o'clock

I've been waffling about this for a long time... mostly because I can't, in my heart of hearts, commit to a year-long (or more) program when I'm stuck in this transitional, one-foot-in, one-foot-out part of my life.

But it's my lunch break, and I'm staring out the window at this beautiful sunny day, wondering-- on the flip side-- why on earth I *wouldn't* commit to this, either.

So next week, unless there's any unforseen problem, I'm going to go to the orientation, get fingerprinted, give permission for a background check, sign all the paperwork and become a 'big sister' with the Boulder County Partners mentorship program. And honestly, I'm scared... 3-4 hours a day, one day every week... with a child I've never met. I'm not a parent! I'm not good at cooking! I have funny looking hair! I mop my floors singing Etta James and watch crappy tv shows sometimes when I should be reading obscure literature!

But... I love to read. And draw. And write stories. And walk outside. And get ice cream after playing 'horse' on the school basketball court. And learn about animals. I love movies, board games, and hide and seek. I love talking about families, and school, and things that build character, for better or for worse. I love conversations with kids... from what they did at school that day, to what their secret, most intense anxieties stem from. And I've worked so hard to turn the world that I saw and feared and loved as a child into the world that I see and love and fear as an adult. Age is just childhood plus experience-- we're still the wide-eyed, vulnerable, excitable, ice-cream loving people that we were when we were very small. And I would love to spend long, unrushed afternoons with a young girl who could benefit from someone who's gone ahead, to reassure her that the kids will stop picking on her... that the barking dog is safely enclosed behind the fence... that the things that bring her joy aren't a fleeting part of her childhood, but rather, blossoming aspects of her personality that she will draw joy from over the course of her entire life.

I hope they find a good match in both of us.

This girl is out there-- she's at school right now, maybe looking out the window at the same time that I am.
I'm curious what she's like.
I'm anxious about whether or not I'd be a good older sister for her...
but I'm so, so excited to meet her.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

new tie!

oh, man.
the new tie? it's awesome. awe...soooome.
I was practically frothing at the mouth yesterday by the time Tom showed up to help me go tie hunting... I was missing my old college clip-on tie with a vengeance. (seriously, did I ever wear anything to a Yodapez show that I should not have been publicly beaten for wearing? The Clinton High baseball jersey... the clip-on tie... although the "hello, cat!" tank top I turned into a dress for the Annie Sprinkle skit, paired with the pink silk robe, was phenomenal)

it took me all damn morning to try to figure out how to tie this tie (using nothing but intuition and a seriously sleepy half-assed attempt). This resulted in two humorous situations:

1. The following conversation with my boss when I arrived, 23 minutes late from frustrated tie tying (*author's note: we have 'choose your own flex hours' at work. I wasn't being an ass.)

Vicki: Oh, Jane. You missed it! Oh, that's so sad.
Me: What? What did I miss??
Vicki: I was sitting next to a graphic designer on the bus. He was lost looking for Crocs
Me: ... crocs?
Vicki: he was extremely dashing. And lost. And I lured him into the building so you could give him directions.
Me: (turning bright red) What?!?
Vicki: He was very nice. Did I mention 'dashing'? Isn't that the word you use? And anyway, you weren't here. Oh, it was so sad.
Me: You lured a lost, handsome artist in here? And I missed it?!?
Vicki: Hey, nice tie!
Me: oh, yeah, that's why I was late...
Vicki: He would've liked the tie. Ok, let's talk about shooting schedules...
Me (thinking to myself: hmm. there's a lesson in here about vanity and ethics)
Me again (but I'm still going to feel sorry for myself)

So, that happened, which was pretty awesome (and hilarious) (and sad) in and of itself.

then this happened:

2. I happened to notice what I looked like. I nearly dumped my mug of coffee down my legs when realizing, with the swift and acidic taste of horror, that I had inadvertently come to work dressed as a Naughty Librarian.

It started when I got frustrated with my script and accidentally leaned on my pen, causing it to snag some of the hair out of my ponytail. So I went to pull my hair out of the hair tie, but... it felt weird. It felt... I don't know... just inappropriate. So I glance down, and out of the corner of my eye, I realize what happened in my sleep-induced haze this morning:
* put on new tie
* put on button-down white shirt because collar is required for tie
* put on red skirt, which matches red tie
* decided to avoid 'schoolgirl' issue by adding short-sleeved gray suit jacket
* put on fishnet stockings because my other stockings have snags from where my boots eat them
* (don't judge me for inability to keep stockings unsnagged. baby, it's cold outside)
*added loafers. duh.
* put on glasses, failing to notice how much said outfit exaggerates their retro cat-eye effect
*grabbed the only edible thing in my apartment for lunch: an apple

So there I am, at my desk... wearing chunky-heeled loafers with fishnets and a tie and this little prim plaid situation happening, taking off my glasses to give my eyes a breather and pulling my hair out of my ponytail.

It's actually a miracle that I didn't dump coffee everywhere from shock when I realized the horrific situation I was creating. One second, I'm Ms. Professional Script Writer; the next, I'm Ms. Dewey Decimal, 'can I help you find a book? I'm ready for my close-up Mr. DeMille' (**the author recognizes that she's flailing for acceptable soft porn dialogue here. It's been a long day. And I don't think I know what soft porn dialogue sounds like, with the exception of 'did someone order a pizza here?', and that's hard to work into a naughty librarian scene. No food allowed in the library)

I will ascertain that my outfit is AWESOME and I still defend my right to wear it. I just need to remember that when I do wear it, I need to make sure that I'm not taking off my glasses and pulling my hair out of a bun while crossing my fishnet-and-loafer-clad feet. All at the same time. With an apple on my desk.

As part of the 5 SONGS project, Steve Weave cheered on my new accessory and suggested that I listen to one of his favorite old songs: 'new tie'.

I love. Love. Love. Love. the 5 SONGS project.
Best birthday present ever.
Emails and phone calls have been rolling in with the sweetest pondering thoughts as my friends mull over their 5 favorites.

Tom and I drove all over last night just to listen to his contenders for the top 5. And damn! They are amazing!
I had an epiphany while listening to his music-- as a kid, I was totally fascinated with (old-school) circus-related things... I read books about the original P.T. Barnum and the circus freak syndrome... I can still rattle off annoying facts about Tom Thumb, the world's tallest man, the world's harriest woman, etc. And I was equally fascinated with gypsy culture.
The epiphany is that I always kept that interest to myself... I wasn't sure if that was a noteworthy thing to bring up with others. But as an adult, much of my favorite literature, art and music is still part of that stirring, wild, gypsy/haunted circus feeling.
Which makes me wonder why I ever stopped researching those topics.

Even just getting an email from Meg saying that she wanted to pick "Southern Cross" for inexplicable reasons, except "when it comes on the radio, it makes me feel like I can do anything"

I almost cried from how happy that made me.
5 favorites... such a simple idea that becomes such a difficult thought-process.

I was getting so bummed out and tense over things that I didn't want to think about.
'5 favorites' just takes over that part of my brain and inspires me... makes me ask questions, and re-visit fond memories. It reminds me of the beautiful and complicated and nostalgic elements of the soundtracks to our lives.

It requires enthusiasm and great thought.
Tie mandatory.

Monday, February 02, 2009

thumbs up.

This photo makes me feel a lot of things. But mostly:

I hope to someday bore my grandchildren to tears telling them about the day that Sasha Obama gave her dad a thumb's up...