Monday, June 16, 2008

list from way past my bedtime

many things to talk about soon.

preview of coming attractions:

1. thoughts on internet dating (I'm not doing field research-- however, I was recently questioned about this subject in an interesting way and I'd like to muse about it in a philosophical and sociological way. Internet dating brings some interesting new twists to society that I'm intrigued by, disapprove of, and endorse all at the same time.)
2. Story about the girl in the bathroom stall next to me at Old Chicago's last Friday night. (And it's not gross at all. Unless your threshold for 'gross' includes things like 'oatmeal' or 'public transportation,' in which case you are probably upset a lot of the time for constantly being grossed out)
3. Why, and how, my new bedtime is 3am. IT'S RIDICULOUS. And so, so weird. And yet... not at all.
4. New additions to the list (tm) including: a secret that I'll have to figure out how to write in code to myself... cantering while in an *English saddle*... yes, East coasters, I've only cantered with a Western saddle... improve vocabulary for quickfire comebacks... write letters to people who have said or done *very* meaningful things that I would like to acknowledge them for-- including Mer & my cello teacher Maggie, my uncle who I don't really know, and the author of Bridge to Terabithia...learn an easier way to do the 'inside/outside' cable wrapping with mile-long extension cords and XLR cables.
5. Brief discussion of this week's impusle buys, including People magazine's cover story: Jody Sweetin-- From Meth to Mom (oh, trashy impulse buys...)
6. Extoll virtues of playing cello with Mer at least once every 48 hrs. If not twice.
7. in homage to Laura's cross-country move: a conglomeration of quotes from "The Adventures in Babysitting"
8. An appreciation of people who understand why you need to practice handshakes with them, and also give you a bear hug after said handshake practicing because they know it can be a challenging personal endeavor to test-drive your handshake

9. I'm off to bed.
10. let us all bow our heads and pray that's the case, anyway.


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