Sunday, April 13, 2008

irritating minutae

Things that drive me crazy...

1. waiting for sheets to dry. 71 minutes in, and the fitted sheet is dry, the pillowcases are dry, but the top sheet has huge soaking wet blotches that will take at least 30 more minutes in the dryer when all I want to do is get in bed and finish A Staggering Work of Heartbreaking Genius and be too depressed to sleep and then get even bigger bags under my eyes so I can look like death at work in the morning.

2. Getting heartburn all week from stress and then hearing a news report that people who have frequent heartburn are the ones who surely will die a painful death from esophagus failure.

3. Media reports about stress-related ailments that stress you out even more than before; when you already had stress

4. Insomnia. And then the confusion, forgetfulness and dyslexia that follows. And when combining all three, just shaving ONE leg in the shower (ew. worst feeling ever for the rest of the day.) and then, an hour later, looking down at my feet as I'm driving to the grocery store and realize that I'm wearing fuzzy blue slippers instead of shoes. This is the true story of my Sunday.

5. Isomnia-caused dyslexia that makes me say things like "Old Country for No Men" and then my friends laughing and gently correcting me, and then an hour later, I can't figure out why that's wrong and have to replay the whole conversation again in my head.

6. Liking a movie much better the 2nd time-- such as today's quasi second viewing of NO Country for OLD Men-- and then having anxiety that all the movies I give Bs or B+'s to are really awesome A+ movies and I'm just missing out because I haven't watched them all twice.

7. Sending really, really long emails to people accidentally. Or being in a position where you have to keep emailing someone until they write back, even though you don't want to bug them, and then when they finally write back, you feel insta-shame as soon as their name pops up in your inbox because ALRIGHT already, they seem to say, I WROTE YOU BACK

8. April snow showers. I'm starting to get fully obsessed with summer-- summer dresses, flip flops, sun, my pool... and then the ice scraper returns and my windshield fogs up completely on the way to work in the morning and it feels like winter forever

9. Being annoyed about summer things before it's even summer. While folding my 3rd round of laundry today, I came across my green nightgown with sheep on it that's most useful on miserably hot evenings when t-shirts are out of the question, and suddenly remembered how twisty and weird summer pajamas are, and felt annoyed. What a waste of the human mind.

10. Jumping 16' in the air when the dryer buzzes, signifying that the one big blue sheet is finally dry, even though I JUST washed it 2 weeks ago and I'm just washing it again because the texture felt 'weird', like it had been slept in by visiting burglars when I was out of town, and now as I'm putting the sheets back on my bed they still feel 'weird' even though they're straight from the dryer and washing machine and I used new (higher concentrate / environmentally friendlier) detergent and now it's going to be hard to read A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius because the sheets feel weird and I have insomnia-inspired heartburn.

11. People who complain, at great length, about trival things... in numeric lists. Especially if they were notably surly in their previous ramblings.

ps. I was in a cursing chicken mode earlier and quoted Eddie Izzard when I pulled my irritatingly un-dry sheet out of the dryer (Fuckin'-ba-guuuck!)... which reminded me that we have EDDIE IZZARD TICKETS for July at the Paramount and that's the best thing in the world. So that helps things feel a little more 'oh, ok' and a little less 'getting back in bed until June'


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another thing you could do is to use Lullwater Soap Nuts. Currently the most affordable of Soap Nuts on the market. Lullwater Soap Nuts are the shells from the fruit of the soap nut tree, Sapindus mukorossi. Soap Nuts are an alternative to manufactured or chemical detergents, as well as so-called “natural” detergents that all leave a carbon footprint from the manufacturing process. Lullwater Soap Nuts have a minimal carbon footprint.

9:23 PM  

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