awkwardness for charity
I'm not sure how many entries I'm allowed to make about The Today Show, and my near-obsession with its astonishing capacity for All Things Awkward.
Today, Today really pulled through.
It was truly awkward enough to journal about before I put shoes on in a minute and run to work.
The time is now 8:19... and not five minutes ago, Ann Curry of The Today Show was flying face-first toward a river full of nuclear waste in the name of charity. (Apparently, needy children worldwide could really benefit from Ann flying to Middlebrough, England and doing a 170' bungee jump from a bridge in a sky blue fleece jacket).
For those of you who didn't witness this Christmas miracle, I will make a feeble attempt to recount how magical it was.
The scene went like this:
Meredith and Matt sitting on the couch, coffee in tow, with Special Close-Up Guest Tom Hanks.
Ann said a warm, fearless hello (live! Except taped, because we're in Colorado!) to her comfy, coffee-drinking, stilletto-wearing co-workers. Beaming into the camera, she also sent out a special "Hellooooo!" to Tom.
Meredith claimed that Tom had flown out just to see Ann jump off a bridge, tee hee tee hee tee hee!
Tom, without batting an eye, made a face like he had just eaten a bacon-wrapped-tarantula and offered Ann $5 if she would make an interesting full-body crash into the river.
Ann laughed nervously.
A few commercial breaks later (and all the televised hype that money can buy), she was swan diving off a bridge on live (taped) television-- which sounded like this, for those of you who weren't there:
(still falling and thrashing through the air, bound only by her ankles and pony tail holder): wheeeeee, oh goodness, I wish you could feel this-- oh, how interesting, my life flashed before my eyes tee hee hee hee but it's really so interesting and nice and I wasn't scared at all and I really think you should try this. (here- I swear-- she sighed calmly, in ecstasy). It's lovely. I highly recommend this particular experience.
(I've taken the liberty of making an artist's recreation of Ann Curry, Journalist: Collected and Starry-Eyed as Ever, Just Upside Down Over A River Full of Nuclear Waste)
Matt and Meredith: tee hee hee tee hee oh Ann tee hee hee tee hee
Tom: (mouth hanging open slightly-- searching the monitor for any sense of logic or nuclear waste)
commercial break.
Then Meredith interviewed Tom about movies and his life (tee hee) as the studio rolled slow-mo clips of Curry's face-first leap over (and over. and over.) under Hanks' dialogue.
(*I'm not sure if the studio remembered that a bungee leap takes about 14 seconds. Granted, the combination of slow-motion and 1400 alternate angles was a noble attempt at "keeping it fresh," but America just wants to see HomeGirl looking close-up perfect upside down the first time."
Meredith: "well, Tom, thank you for being here. We're going to take a brief commercial break."
Tom: (obviously ignoring a producer's plea to smile and nod without comment) "Just remember. It's brave to bungee jump off a bridge in front of the world. But it's really brave to show your butt-ocks to the world."
Meredith's face contorted with confusion. She kicked up one stillettoed heel playfully and made an expression like a narwhal who was about to start "tusking" (please see: .
Cut to Macy's gift card commercial.
Other things that are deliciously awkward:
my co-worker's pug puppy, Pearl, who hangs out with us at work and sleeps upside down like a bat.

She's so little that she can fit inside my red clogs if I put her in upside down (like a bat. as she prefers to be).
And she's back-heavy enough that she ran in reverse for the first three days she was here.

Today, Today really pulled through.
It was truly awkward enough to journal about before I put shoes on in a minute and run to work.
The time is now 8:19... and not five minutes ago, Ann Curry of The Today Show was flying face-first toward a river full of nuclear waste in the name of charity. (Apparently, needy children worldwide could really benefit from Ann flying to Middlebrough, England and doing a 170' bungee jump from a bridge in a sky blue fleece jacket).
For those of you who didn't witness this Christmas miracle, I will make a feeble attempt to recount how magical it was.
The scene went like this:
Meredith and Matt sitting on the couch, coffee in tow, with Special Close-Up Guest Tom Hanks.
Ann said a warm, fearless hello (live! Except taped, because we're in Colorado!) to her comfy, coffee-drinking, stilletto-wearing co-workers. Beaming into the camera, she also sent out a special "Hellooooo!" to Tom.
Meredith claimed that Tom had flown out just to see Ann jump off a bridge, tee hee tee hee tee hee!
Tom, without batting an eye, made a face like he had just eaten a bacon-wrapped-tarantula and offered Ann $5 if she would make an interesting full-body crash into the river.
Ann laughed nervously.
A few commercial breaks later (and all the televised hype that money can buy), she was swan diving off a bridge on live (taped) television-- which sounded like this, for those of you who weren't there:
(still falling and thrashing through the air, bound only by her ankles and pony tail holder): wheeeeee, oh goodness, I wish you could feel this-- oh, how interesting, my life flashed before my eyes tee hee hee hee but it's really so interesting and nice and I wasn't scared at all and I really think you should try this. (here- I swear-- she sighed calmly, in ecstasy). It's lovely. I highly recommend this particular experience.
(I've taken the liberty of making an artist's recreation of Ann Curry, Journalist: Collected and Starry-Eyed as Ever, Just Upside Down Over A River Full of Nuclear Waste)

Matt and Meredith: tee hee hee tee hee oh Ann tee hee hee tee hee
Tom: (mouth hanging open slightly-- searching the monitor for any sense of logic or nuclear waste)
commercial break.
Then Meredith interviewed Tom about movies and his life (tee hee) as the studio rolled slow-mo clips of Curry's face-first leap over (and over. and over.) under Hanks' dialogue.
(*I'm not sure if the studio remembered that a bungee leap takes about 14 seconds. Granted, the combination of slow-motion and 1400 alternate angles was a noble attempt at "keeping it fresh," but America just wants to see HomeGirl looking close-up perfect upside down the first time."
Meredith: "well, Tom, thank you for being here. We're going to take a brief commercial break."
Tom: (obviously ignoring a producer's plea to smile and nod without comment) "Just remember. It's brave to bungee jump off a bridge in front of the world. But it's really brave to show your butt-ocks to the world."
Meredith's face contorted with confusion. She kicked up one stillettoed heel playfully and made an expression like a narwhal who was about to start "tusking" (please see: .
Cut to Macy's gift card commercial.
Other things that are deliciously awkward:
my co-worker's pug puppy, Pearl, who hangs out with us at work and sleeps upside down like a bat.
She's so little that she can fit inside my red clogs if I put her in upside down (like a bat. as she prefers to be).
And she's back-heavy enough that she ran in reverse for the first three days she was here.
Jane, promise me you'll still let me read your journal if we ever move on to other jobs!
I'm going to start watching when I work from home...
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