rabbit hit in head with carrot, rabbit redux

I like Engrish. (I can't remember if this photo is from Stewy or Bill)
I love fall.
Time to dust off sweaters and socks and old friends. Like Steve Kovach-- it had been 7 months since we talked, and I shamefully called him last weekend after many a whiskey sumpin', so I don't quite remember it. Non-shamefully, it's making me very happy that I have Kovach's voice saying "Janie Cakes! Steve-ohhhh misses you" on my voice mail.
What I *do* remember from last weekend are some very entertaining conversations with Tom that are still rattling around my brain. I asked him if he'd ever been home alone and wondered, just for a second, "if I choked on this cereal, how long would it take for someone to find my body?" Tom claims that I'm a freak, and that normal people don't wonder these things. But I don't think I'm a freak, or terribly morbid, it's just a question that came into my mind one day. If I went face-first into the couch, my neighbors have never spoken to me, my co-workers would just call and wonder where I was on Monday, my friends would just leave messages and feel a little miffed that I wasn't returning their calls. Hmmm.
I briefly had one of those moments today -- it's a beautiful cool fall morning, I took a long jog and listened to David Bowie the whole way, came home, turned on some music and hopped in the shower. I was in full-out Happy Showering Jane mode when some kind of brain-stopping, full-body pain hit me out of nowhere, and when I doubled over seeing stars, it really scared me. "Is someone going to find me in here?" I thought with a face full of water, feeling for the side of the tub. Ruining a good shower is bad enough-- feeling that fleeting, real moment of "uh oh" is even worse. I seem to remember the same thing happening last spring, just after the same series of medical midieval torture chamber tests, so I think it should be all good. But good lord-- I may have to invest in one of those old lady panic buttons to pin to my sweater. I think today will be spent taking it easy with a book and a vat of monkey king tea.
most current music pleasures
*David Bowie is very, very good jogging music. He'll pump you up just as fast as he can drag you down into his weird, twisted little mind.
*Song that has nothing to do with me but moves me very much: "Georgia"- Ray Charles
*Song that I have played more than 13 times today: "Positively 4th Street"-Bob Dylan
*Song that most pertains to my life this weekend: "Positively 4th Street"-Bob Dylan
*Best coffee music on Saturday mornings: Colin Hay, Bob Dylan, Cat Stevens, Beethoven, Massive Attack, RJD2, Brahms, Slim Cessna, Calexico, Joni Mitchell
*Best wine music on a Saturday night: Ella Fitzgerald, John Coltrane, Miles Davis, David Bowie, The Postal Service, Bob Dylan, Sigur Ros, DJ Shadow, Radiohead, Spoon, Sufjan Stevens, Tom Waits
best engrish sentences that i know
"Child be a public servant. The best balance of music and technology within a vaguely"- written on a t-shirt for sale in a Hong Kong market
"Please do not feed the animals. If you have any suitable food, give it to the guard on duty"- sign in a Budapest zoo
"Dirty Water Punishment Place!"- Sign for sewage treatment plant on a Tokyo map
"The lift is being fixed for the next day. During that time we regret that you will be unbearable"- Sign in a Bucharest hotel lobby
"Keep vent on top open. Do not bring spillables near these, like chicken soup and dust"- computer instructions translated from Mandarin
and my all-time favorite, as many know,
"Please not to perambulate the corridors in the hours of repose in the boots of ascension"-Austrien hotel sign for skiers
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