always a viking in the front row

hoo boy. lots of things to do today, but i went a little overboard last night and will be spending the morning in a tylenol bottle.
i do remember the following: an intense 3+ hour brian jamestown massacre concert
with my homeskillet tom, making the brilliant decision to move on to whiskey after a nalgene of beer, saying "this is rock and roll" a few thousand times, and having some kind of weird moment where i had to pat a crying viking's arm in the front row during a 20 minute riff at the end. (hence the blurry phone picture- when this band riffs, they do it spinal tap style). there's always a viking in the front row-- i find that very interesting. i don't know why he was crying, but he seemed to really appreciate the pat, so we'll just say bully good and move on.
brian jonestown massacre did not riot as i'd hoped, but they were phenomenal live.
tom and i both giggled every time people around us referenced "dig", the BJM / dandy warhols documentary, but all giggling aside, i highly recommend the flick. anton has this to say about his portrayal, which jives the film's buzz... i mean, come on anton, crazy is as crazy does. yes?
yikes. i think i'm going to die. it was really stupid of me to drink the way i did last night, and even stupider to let red flag reasons fuel the need. i know better. humanity knows better. i can only bring in proust when i'm in a state like this... he asserts that we are only truly living when we are feeling pain, confusion and angst, and everything else is a stagnant period of little growth or understanding. it's an obnoxious perspective, because despite how dismal and self-absorbed it sounds, the man really has a good point.
pessimism and screaming head pain aside, this weekend has been one big illustration of something happy: i have really, really, really amazing friends. jessie, thad, peter and katie all got my spontaneous travel personality in high gear, and i can't wait to see everyone. two of my good friends got engaged on friday, and i'm really happy for them-- i would like to say a brief "i told you so!" since i mischievously set them up four years ago. (mwahahahaaa.) cory called me from *england* this morning, which i shamefully missed due to being mummified in a quilt taco in the next room, but hearing from her was awesome and unbelievably sweet. and tom gave me about 30 years worth of music last night, which i'm very excited about, and he proceeded to knock some sense into me in our old tradition of "you listen to ME, woman!" conversation techniques. tom just rocks. and to make this entry a little less hung over, i really need to include the most wonderful photo of thaddeus:

proust and the princess bride agree that life IS pain, princess... but if that doesn't leave room for a bucket of kindred spirits... well, then life and i are in a fight.
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