basset madness

This is what I'm going to do when the weekend hits.
This is also my current view...
Babysitting the Bassets at the Glenn's house for a few days while they have to take an unexpected road trip to Chicago.
The past couple of days have been pretty nuts, and I'm trying to convince three crazyass hounds that things are NOT nuts so they stop chewing each other's faces for a few minutes... poor girls. They must be wondering what in the fresh hell the weird blond lady is doing here, with circles under her eyes, hair sticking out of a bun in all directions, red suitcase, a bag full of soup and cereal, and clunky clogs.
This week, it's been one odd thing after another. Yesterday, things started falling apart... cartoon stars of zinging pains started shooting from my middle, it started to hurt every time I swallowed in that weird, pre-strep throat kind of way, weirdness started building up at work and I couldn't stay alert for all the tea in china. Canceled plans with Tom, took myself home, put my pajamas on, tucked myself in with food and a vague fantasy of sleeping until next week. Then the call from Tom that his family needed to leave town, and then a pathetic, fumbling attempt to get myself up and together and somehow helpful and on the road. By the time I got back to my apartment, I discovered that 3 of my 4 stovetop burners weren't working, the leak in the sink's faucet had grown, and my refrigerator was making the exact noise that a refrigerator's final chills might sound.
Things just feel out of place this week. Today was the Huge Video Review day... when every boss and their boss's boss sits around the conference table and opens notebooks and writes down everything they can find wrong with the rough cut of the video. It was also the day that, while trying to get stuff together to wear for Huge Video Review day and then a few days of throwing the tennis ball around for the hounds, I went to war *again* with my doctor... I went to refill my every-single-day prescription, the one she just filled for me... after trying to kill me with some kind of daily misery-maker plus hallucinogenic that she thought I'd enjoy for a few months... and the pharmacy informed me that I had no refills left. Um, excuse me? I just started this.
Called my doctor's office and was informed that she (and her entire staff) were out of town, and no one was on call. Except for a doctor who would only be called if I was lying in the street, in the words of the answering service lady-- "bleeding to death".
So back to the pharmacy I went. Where I had to talk to a pharmacist and then the Top Pharmacist who both told me that I was just shit out of luck, sorry, their hands were tied.
I do not like crying in public.
I do not like Big Video Review Day.
0-2 today.
The dogs are chewing on each other's faces. The guinea pigs are making some kind of unearthly robotic chugging noise as they hide in their home, eating the carrots I left for them. The snake is halfway into his hideyhole in his tank, and the turtle is presumably underground in the back yard, enjoying a long winter's sleep.
I'm missing the boy fiercely, and anxious for the week to end, but there's something nice in being able to at least take care of someone's pets when they need a hand. And it's nice to pat a whimpering furball and look down into those huge brown eyes and feel needed, too.
Time to tuck myself in.
where turtles sleep,
she sleeps
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